By: Ladory Malinao-Aseneta/ 0926-360-7875
When deception started? Who was the first person deceived? From the Holy Bible, the Book of Genesis, God made Adam and Eve. He placed them in the Garden of Eden. They lived enjoying life's bounty God given. Nevertheless, satan had envied them thus leading him to find a way to disorient and take the blessings they have enjoyed, the serpent was more cunning them any beasts God has made. The serpent tried to find out if the woman could withstand the deception that he is about to instigate. But prior to the temptation planned by satan, the couple had been commanded by God not to eat the fruit of the tree nor touch the tree. For if they violate the command they will die. The tree stand in the midst of the garden. “You will not eat the fruit of the garden?”, the serpent said to Eve. “We may eat all the fruits of the trees in the garden but not the trees in the midst of the garden for we will die,” Eve replied. From the statement of the Eve the serpent find a loop hale as to how to disorient man. “You will not die, God knows in the day you eat it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil,” continued by the serpent. So when Eve saw that the trees is good to eat, she took of its fruit and ate. She offered some to Adam; and after they have eaten their eyes were opened and find themselves naked(Genesis 3:1-7) The serpent was very happy for he successfully deceived and misled the very special and peculiar art of God - The man.
Man has surmounted every difficulty in this world. He has inverted ways and instruments for measuring the distance of the earth to the sun, the stars and the rays of the sun as well. He has travelled one country to another in few hours time. He has examined the seabed and its depth. He has gained access to the inner senses by way of the external ones. He has devised scales for weighing every matter of the earth. He has learned about senses, the soul and its nature, the mind, the blood, the sweat, the breathing, the heartbeat, its method and their situations. Indeed, he can almost hear the discourse of the soul, and the creeping of fate. With his intelligence he has opened every door. Except therefore, the door of tomorrow. Man is powerless not daring to open it, neither even to knock on it. For it is God's door and “God does not inform anyone of the hidden things.”
Optimism is an attribute to dream, to scientifically formulate a precise conclusion as to the detection of lies. In the effort for improvement one may meet. Obstacles who cause stumbles and falls but these should not become excuses for not trying again. In the Philippine setting, polygraph examination is inadmissible in the court proceedings. Nevertheless, true are instances polygraph testing were used in a proceedings but with due regard on the examiner who gave the analysis and conclusion. Even how accurate the instrument maybe, but when the examiner does not have a precise analysis or the interpretation on the deviation manifested indicative of deception on the chart markings; the findings is unreliable and inadequate. In the forensic world; to attain the goals of reliability; hardwork, determination, integrity and courage are introduced to the examiner. A proverb says: Those who do not know how to look back will find that they have nowhere to go. Looking back is not a sign of dependence on the safe, neither a sign of the unknown or of the uncertain future. Rather, looking back is never forgetting the shapers of our scientific basis on how to deal with all types of lies and all misleading behavior of a person in a certain circumstances. It is a way of sustaining and reassessing our capability in dealing with person whose intention is to misguide the investigators. Sometimes in listening to voices of the past we could get confused. It has been said, “History never repent itself.” For one thing, What the past says may not agree with what the present says. **Just my personal view-Biblically Based**