{actor} "Do not think that what is hard for you to master is humanly impossible; and if it is humanly possible, consider it to be within your...{actor} "Do not think that what is hard for you to master is humanly impossible; and if it is humanly possible, consider it to be within your reach." -- Marcus Aurelius Show more
{actor} "It may be that when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and then we no longer know which way to go, we have begun...{actor} "It may be that when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and then we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey." -- Wendell Berry Show more
{actor} "I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination."
{actor} "Everything is a life lesson. Everyone you meet, everything you encounter, etc. They're all part of the learning experience we call 'life.'...{actor} "Everything is a life lesson. Everyone you meet, everything you encounter, etc. They're all part of the learning experience we call 'life.' Never forget to acknowledge the lesson, especially when things don't go your way. If you don't get a job that you wanted or a relationship doesn't work, it only means something better is out there waiting. And the lesson you just learned is the first step towa Show more
Basic Information
Female -
College / University
St. Anthony's College -
Graduation Year