{actor} Foot-and -mouth disease is highly contagious among cloven-hoofed animals.Blisters form around the mouth, and the feet become extremely...{actor} Foot-and -mouth disease is highly contagious among cloven-hoofed animals.Blisters form around the mouth, and the feet become extremely painful.The animals will not eat or drink, and they lose weight rapidly.Fortunately, preventive measures have made this infection virtually nonexistent in the US today.
A SPIRITUAL KIND of foot-and-mouth disease continues in epidemic proportions in the church.in 1Corinthians 12, believers are likened to the members of the body.This kind of disease breaks out when those who belong to the body of Christ, the church, begin comparing themselves among themselves (v.12). A "foot" may become dissatisfied with its inability to express itself like the "mouth." And the "mouth" may feel inadequate because it cant move about and bear the weight of the body.such Christians lose their spiritual appetite and become ineffective in serving the Lord.
God's children have been soveriegnly designed and placed in the body of Christ for specific purposes. Each of us is vital to the well being of the whole. And when we fulfill our role, there will be harmony, and our Savior will receive the glory. Let's put an end to foot-and-mouth disease in the church.----(Mart de Haan)
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